hotQA - Play To Learn, Answer To Earn

hotQA - Play To Learn, Answer To Earn

HotQA – “Play To Learn, Answer To Earn” is a Trivia Game and Blockchain combined Web3 project, which are two of the hottest platforms in the community. So What things make HotQA become a special project ? What does “Play To Learn, Answer To Earn” stand for ? Let’s find it out in this article.

HotQA – More than a Trivia Game

Due to the development of Trivia Game and BlockChain, HotQA is created to become a platform of innovation and help everyone approach Trivia Game in a different way. Not only a Trivia Game, we are also combined with BlockChain technology to enhance knowledge in many fields for users and help users making money from HotQA.

Based on the slogan “Play To Learn, Answer To Earn”, HotQA is made for users’ entertainment by joining in-apps play modes and strengthening their knowledge. The special point in the slogan is “Answer To Learn”. We apply the “Play-To-Earn” recipe and bring to people a new definition named Quiz-To-Earn: Anyone can make a large amount of money and coins just by joining playing mode and answering the Quiz correctly on HotQA app.

HotQA doesn’t normally aim to make money by Quiz-To-Earn, it aims to build a strong & sustainable community. By using the strength of BlockChain, we create a future community-driven platform named SoFi (Social Finance). And combined with variety and up-to-date question banks, HotQA is believed to build a sustainable community, where people who have a passion for knowledge can talk, exchange and compete with each other.

What things make HotQA become a special project ? 

1. Exciting & unique playing mode

Focus on users’ experience, we bring lots of playing modes to make users have a diversity of choices. Especially, HotQA has some unique & unique playing modes make project have a great attention from Crypto and BlockChain Community

A detailed playing modes are: 

  • Daily Challenge: People can have a free entry everyday.
  • PvP: A Player competes with another Player to win total bet Tokens.
  • PvG: A player competes with a group of players for a better prize.
  • Live Trivia Game (coming soon): Players join in-game livestream to compete with thousands of players.

2. Free-entry for everyone

Unlike other GameFi platforms which require users to pay to play, you can totally join it for free and make money with your knowledge. By joining the Daily Challenge everyday, players can win free Tokens. The winner can take this Tokens and exchange it to Wallet, or use it to continuously join other playing modes and gain more Tokens

3. Aim to the sustainable development through building a strong community

HotQA isn’t like other profit-driven projects, it aims for sustainability and long-live through building a strong and civilized community. The main reason for HotQA is to gather people who have the same passion with knowledge and Quiz parallel to make profit from it.

4. Support other projects in Airdrop’s Quest

HotQA both serves players and helps and collaborates with other projects. It plays a role in being a task of the Airdrop’s Quest. So that its segment is not only for users. That thing will make it very easy for our community to develop stronger day by day.


With the slogan “Play To Learn, Answer To Earn”, HotQA can definitely become one of the most dynamic projects and attract people with a huge interest in knowledge. We believe that HotQA will be a very exciting project by moving out of the GameFi zone to become a SoFi platform.

For further information about HotQA – “Play To Learn, Answer To Earn” please visit our website at HERE.

Moreover, we are creating a new Airdrop after “Love is in the AirDrop” with total prize pool up to $50BUSD and Whitelist slot to join Daily PvG named “Air-pril Fools by HotQA”. This Airdrop will last from 31st March to 12nd April (UTC +7:00). Join with us now on SoQuest at HERE.

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