April 25, 2024

Mdex (MDX) | Binance Research

What is MDEX?

MDEX is a decentralized exchange (DEX) platform based on the AMM (Automatic Market Maker) mechanism on  Eco-Chain and Ethereum. MDEX platform operates on a dualized mining innovation that ensures a secured transaction and guarantees a liquidity process.

Why is MDEX different?

The way MDEX works is similar to Uniswap or Sushiswap , but with the improvement of combining both blockchains: Ethereum and Huobi Eco Chain. The highest TVL exceeded the threshold of 5.29 billion USD at the highest point, currently, TVL has decreased to only 634 million USD, of which BSC is 431 million USD and HECO is 2.3 million USD.

Basically, MDEX is based on Heco (HECO’s TPS can go up to 500 and the trading specified time frame is around 3 seconds, Gas fee is about 0.001 USD). As a result, MDEX possesses outstanding advantages:

Multichain: MDEX supports multi-chain creating a multi-chain transaction cross-chain protocol

DAO: DAO is integrated to ensure the network works under the direction of the users. Users can vote on product upgrade changes. MDX users can decide on new projects, fees, and other options.

High transaction speed: 3s for 1 transaction, much faster than Uniswap and Pancake Swap.

Moderate transaction fee: Super cheap cost only 0.02- 0.05 USD, sometimes 0.001 USD.

Dual-mining mechanism:

  • Dual mining Pool: Users have to add 2 types of tokens to get LP tokens, APY fluctuates around 100% – 400% depending on the time.
  • Single mining Pool: This pool aims to improve liquidity for MDEX and minimize Impermanent Loss with APY levels ranging from 3 -16%. However, recently this function no longer works.

Transaction fee

Users will have to pay 0.3% for each transaction, but according to the plan, this exchange will use 60% to buy back Huobi’s HT tokens and the rest will be used for the burning mechanism.

MDX Token Allocation

Team: 10%

Investor: 7%

Marketing expenses: 3%

Mining and Liquidity on HECO: 80%


Launched on January 19, 2021, MDex has completed exactly the Roadmap proposed to the present time. However, in order to improve the product, the team has updated more about the next roadmap of the project. The updated roadmap can be summarized as:

Excellent transaction experience

MDEX will continue to improve itself to provide the best transaction experience that is more efficient, convenient, and free for users.

Boundless future

MDEX will expand its ecology horizontally by building more innovative products and creating more value. In the near future, MDEX will:

  • Implement the M-USD plan to fully release the unlimited liquidity.
  • Implement the M-MEX plan to create a one-stop derivatives solution.
  • M- LEAGUE plan to create a new DeFi ecology.

Unlimited returns

As the dev team insists that MDX holders are the most trustful MDEX supporters, MDX will be the only beneficiary of all MDEX growth dividends.


Currently, MDEX has collaborated with numerous well-known exchanges, including Huobi, Binance, CoinmarketCap, Coingecko, and so on.

Investor & Advisor


Where to buy $MDX token

Users can buy directly on Binance, Mdex BSC, Houbi Global, Hoo.com.

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